Predator or Student Loan Prey?

Predator or Student Loan Prey?

From tens, to hundreds, to now thousands of complaints against major student loan servicers have been making headlines once again. So what’s all the fuss about? Allegations of faulty documentation, questionable business practices and claims...
How Much Is Your College Football Rivalry Costing You?

How Much Is Your College Football Rivalry Costing You?

When most of us think of November, three main themes tend to come to mind: fall, food and of course, FOOTBALL! As millions of Americans flock to the field (or the big screens) to watch their favorite college rivalries (i.e. Ohio State vs. Michigan, Alabama vs. LSU,...
Student Loan Debt… BENEFITS?!

Student Loan Debt… BENEFITS?!

BBQ, Blues and Beale Street aren’t the only things drawing folks to Memphis these days; so are the career benefits. When most of us think of big industry hitters, our minds typically wander to the tech giants of San Francisco, The Wall Street money to be made in...
Famously In Student Loan Debt

Famously In Student Loan Debt

What do you and some of your favorite celebrities have in common? Apparently thousands of dollars in student loan debt. When it comes to seeing those monthly bills rack up after college, just know that you’re not alone. Before they were famous, mega celebs like...
The Student Loan Police Just Dropped Their Guard

The Student Loan Police Just Dropped Their Guard

Not all heroes wear capes; but if they did, the CFPB would be taking theirs off. The U.S. Education Department just dropped The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (aka the CFPB) from protecting student loan borrowers from alleged, questionable business practices by...